Save up to €300 when buying home office furniture in Austria: The home office package explained
Employees can deduct costs of up to 300 euros for ergonomically suitable furniture such as swivel chairs, desks or lighting with the corresponding proof of invoice via the employee assessment.
Get a home office bargain in 3 steps
1. Check your requirements
To be eligible for the €300 funding, you must spend at least 26 days a year working from home in 2021. In other words, if you only spend at least 1 day in the home office every other week, then you would have 26 working days in the home office and would therefore be entitled to the funding. The claim is also made up of 2 parts. The first part of your claim relates to the year 2021. If you meet the 26 day requirement, you can claim €150 in your employee assessment. The second part of your claim depends on the extent to which you have already made a claim of up to €150 for 2020. If you have not yet made a claim for 2020, then this means that you can make full use of it in 2021 and, for example, get an ergonomic chair or desk subsidized by €300 through the employee assessment for 2021!
2. What is supported?
On the BMF (Federal Ministry of Finance) website it says: “ Ergonomic furnishing of your home workplace outside of a study (especially desk, swivel chair, lighting)” . For further inspiration, we recommend our blog article The basic equipment for your home office workplace .
3. Submit your employee assessment
If you already have to submit an employee assessment, the deadline is April 30th or June 30th (for online declarations) of the following year. If you want to submit an employee assessment voluntarily, you have 5 years to do so. P.S. Don’t forget to keep the receipt 😉
In this blog article we base ourselves on information from the BMF (Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance). For current, guaranteed information, please visit the BMF website at
If you would like to learn more about 'home office', we recommend our complete home office guide you can download it here for free . The following articles might also be of interest to you:
- Successful and relaxed in the home office
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- The basic equipment for your home office workplace